The Youth Harbour is a place of support, convening, and collaboration. We are committed to building climate-resilient communities by providing flexible, trust-based support to the youth-led climate movement in the form of financial, technical, and networking assistance.

Financial Support

Skills Support

Networking Support
The Youth Harbour Principles

We are youth-led, youth-serving - always.
We believe that youth are the best agents of change and that’s why we are investing in them. Youth are powerful, passionate, and competent, and the adult-centric world continuously underestimates and ignores the demands of youth. We are passionate about ensuring that youth are empowered and supported to take action and carry these experiences with them into their personal and professional lives.

We are working towards an equitable and accessible future.
We seek to support innovative work that takes bold climate action and supports communities most deeply affected by the climate crisis. To do so, we are committed to making our processes as equitable and accessible as possible through clarity and transparency, demystifying climate jargon and language, providing consistent and clear communication, and ensuring we accommodate folks that may not be able-bodied, speak other languages than English, and experience barriers to climate work. We will review our strategy regularly to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the community we serve.

We are committed to building relationships of trust and mutual respect.
We seek to create, nurture, and maintain long-term supportive relationships and we are committed to collaborating with existing community partners and helping them amplify their impact.

We are in a climate crisis, and we act like it.
We are at a nexus point where the actions that we take now greatly impact our ability to make it under the 1.5 degree mark. Climate change may not be the most important issue in every context, but it certainly is the most urgent, as failure to address the climate crisis heavily impacts our ability to address other inequalities and injustices.

We strengthen the movement through responsibility and reciprocity.
We encourage work that brings underrepresented communities, particularly Indigenous communities, to the forefront of the climate movement and defend communities whose health and livelihoods are threatened by environmental exploitation. We are committed to aligning ourselves with the Calls to Action outlined by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
What Kinds Of Projects Does The Youth Harbour Support?
When we consider who FES has supported, we consider four main categories of youth climate activism.

Innovators and Visionaries focus on designing and creating alternative ideas that offer new solutions to existing problems. They prioritize educating and informing the public about these issues and potential solutions, and developing community-informed ideas. These groups are often a part of facilitating community consultations, publishing research, and act as thought leaders.

Disruptors and Infiltrators amplify youth action and perspectives to drive change. They advocate for policy changes and work within existing systems to alter norms and practices. By promoting changes in consumer and civic behaviour, they seek to create significant shifts in societal and corporate dynamics. You often find these players in frontline advocacy and institutional activism that bring ideas from Innovators and Visionaries to broader decision making communities.

Bridgers and Connectors link activists with institutional players, providing access to tools, resources, training, and funding necessary for high-level negotiations and advocacy.
They facilitate connections between disruptors, infiltrators, and other stakeholders, including non-governmental institutions and industries, fostering collaboration and support across sectors. Oftentimes, Bridgers and Connectors do not develop “new content” or directly participate in activism, but open doors to ensure that new ideas and voices are heard, amplified, incorporated, and maintained.

Sector Supporters focus on community care, ensuring the well-being and resilience of communities and groups. They provide skills training and development opportunities and support the incubation and ideation of new ideas across all different types of activism. By nurturing other people’s initiatives, they contribute to a broader ecosystem of innovation and support. Sector Supporters often design their own programs and resources meant to support the broader activist community.
Our Grounding Truths
Climate change will have the greatest impact on the future of young people, and with the most at stake and least ties to the status quo, youth have the most agency and motivation to create solutions that match the speed and scale of the climate crisis.
Youth organizing is impactful and innovative, especially in fostering the political will, culture shift, and societal change needed to enable the deployment of meaningful climate solutions.
The nature of youth organizing is responsive, trust-based, and emergent and therefore the supports that enable youth action should complement the ways in which youth organize.
Youth voices are essential to include and have represented in climate decision-making spaces, and thus youth must be meaningfully consulted as equal partners.